Virtual Author Visit with Grayson Smith | Pink Shirt Day Special Event

Celebrate diversity and inclusion with us!

We are excited to announce that children’s author, Grayson Smith, will be joining us on Pink Shirt Day to read his book There’s a Norseman in the Classroom.

In this beautifully illustrated book children return from summer vacation to discover a new student has joined their class – and he happens to be a huge, hairy, noisy Norseman. While the kids initially reject Norm the Norseman because he is different, they learn to accept him and appreciate all the great things he brings to their classroom.

There’s a Norseman in the Classroom explores how classroom cultures can be shaped towards acceptance and inclusion. It opens doors to important conversations at home and in the classroom. 

We will also have a special guest appearance from Jennie from Harmony Kids Yoga who will lead us in a Movement & Mindfulness Break mid-way through our event! 

About Grayson Smith

Photo Credit: New West Record

From the book: Grayson Smith is a police officer who spent his youth writing stories when he should have been paying attention in school. Writing is a wonderful way for him to express the silliness and vagary that simmers beneath his well-practiced outer layer of respectability and professionalism. Grayson lives with his wife and 3 sons, all of whom are smarter and better looking than he is.

Event Details

When: Wednesday, February 24th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST
What: Virtual Author Visit with Grayson Smith
Who:  Everyone Welcome – Designed for K-Grade 5
Hosted By: Joyful Learning & Simbi
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Social Emotional Learning
Cost: FREE (Donations Welcome)

Joyful Learning is a not-for-profit organization currently focusing on the development of affordable, high quality, online educational experiences that spark joy, wonder and a love of learning. We are also firm believers in diversity, respect, and inclusion. 

While this event is completely free to attend, we are accepting donations to help make a difference in the lives of kids around the world!  Donations will be shared equally between four non-profit organizations to support their work in promoting inclusion, celebrating diversity, and enhancing equal access to education: 

  • Pink Shirt Day (CKNW Kid’s Fund – Anti-Bullying Programs)
  • Inclusion BC (promoting and supporting the inclusion of individuals with disabilities)
  • Simbi Foundation (enhancing access to education in remote and refugee communities)
  • Joyful Learning (specifically earmarked to fund future free Virtual Author Visits in partnership with Simbi)